With current implementation the drivers will see pessimistic clocks until they complete their second section of the sleeper berth/off duty split. We are planning to release a follow up enhancement that will provide the following functionality to allow drivers and carrier to select if they want to see optimistic or pessimistic clocks:
Carriers will have the option to set the Sleeper Berth pairing option at both the account and driver level. Those options will be:
• "No OFF/SB Pairing" (Default)
• "Pair OFF/SB When Possible"
• "Driver Indicates Pairing"
Depending on how the carrier chooses to setup their drivers, they will see one of two options.
1. Pessimistic Clocks (OFF/SB time included in 14 hour duty total)
2. Optimistic clocks (OFF/SB time excluded from 14 hour duty total)
Note: In the case where the driver is setup to indicate their own pairing, they will need to go into options to indicate if they will see the optimistic or pessimistic clocks.
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