Reassign Driving Time
The ELD allows the driver to reassign his driving time to a co-driver.
Tap on the Edit button of the created auto driving event to display the Reassign Driving Time dialog. Select for the co-driver’s name of the list.
Once the OK button is tap, it will display a confirmation dialog whether to proceed to reassign the driving time event.
• If YES is tap, the driving event will have recorded as an Inactive Changed (IC) event on the main driver’s log.
• If No is tap, the dialog will close and will not reassign the driving time.
Switch to the Co-Driver’s account to check the Reassign Driving Time which will be displayed on the Pending Edit Request dialog.
• If Accepted, the driving event will be reassigned and recorded on the co-driver’s log.
• If Rejected, the driving event will not be recorded under the co-driver’s log. However, it will be displayed as an Inactive Changed Rejected (ICJ) event (both Main and Co-drivers log).
Note: A Co-Driver is not allowed to accept or reject a requested Driving event. Only “Driver” can switch to “Driving” as current status.
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